Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I Am A Sick Man

Today the internet taught me that i have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My symptoms are extended periods of total exhaustion, and short term memory loss. According to the Center For Disease Control, the danger of continuing to live with Chronic Fatigue Syndrom is that if one's naps get too long, one may eventually sleep through an entire human life cycle and wake up, all alone, in the distant future.

The only thing that i can find wrong with this, besides one or two members of my family dying, is that the i pod I just bought will be totally out dated. I already live in fear of that, and I'm only sleeping nine hour nights. I emptied half my savings for the damned thing! How in the hell am i supposed to scrape together the money for a new one? How can I even be sure that I'll still carry the correct currency? What if they use hologram money in the future? And you know that those apple care warranty bitches will never cut me a break.

cameron, you could just write "fuck" if you wanted to. i don't think anybody would mind. unless your mom reads your blog.
yeah. plus that is a word i bet a lot of people google, and you would get some more traffic to the site that way.
i think my mom might read your blog.
Could you please post again? I'm getting bored coming to your site and there is nothing new.
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